
What an honor...

Sweet Handmade Stoneware Honey Pot with Lid

To Order

We got the following Etsy message the other day:

Ali Dufty from alidufty sent you a conversation on June 11, 2013.

You're in my treasury......

Have you heard the buzz !!???
I have included your lovely item.....

Listing: www.etsy.com/listing/104638792/sweet-handmade-stoneware-honey-pot-with

in my new treasury ....


I hope you have time to look and leave a comment . Enjoy :))
Warm wishes, Ali

                                                                                                                                                                  It is a real honor to be included in someone's Etsy  collection. We've gotten a few orders from a few new customers who picked us from an Etsy Bridal registry. Pretty darn cool.

Speaking of our Etsy store, we will be adding the above item to it asap. We will currently only offer the Deer Head logo on our Etsy site.

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